Everybody seems to be conscious of the amount of energy they are using and it is hardly surprising given the current financial climate. Turning off lights when they are not needed only goes so far when trying to save money, even with energy saving light bulbs. The light bulb has evolved over the years from an incandescent, cheap but costly to run, to the on trend (way back when) halogen bulb all the rage for spotlights.
LED bulbs have also evolved over the years from expensive, dull and impractical, to economic, bright and chic. Although LED bulbs are initially more costly than a standard energy saving bulb, the savings which can be obtained when in use can see a reduction in energy costs within just months, especially when replacing halogen bulbs. The other benefit of LEDs over CFL bulbs is the time it takes for a CFL bulb to warm up and get to full brightness. While a CFL is taking a couple of seconds to get to full brightness an LED equivalent is always ready to go.
Despite the added cost of the bulb itself, an LED bulb will become more cost effective as they use an average of 90% less power than a standard iridescent bulb. This would mean the saving made on electricity would, over time, pay for the cost of the bulbs and save you money.
One of the best ways to save money on your fuel bills is to only use appliances and lights etc. when you really need to. The best way to achieve this is to take full control of your house while keeping up with the latest trends. Recent advances in technology allows you to now turn your home in to a smart home, controlling everything from heating and lights to plugs and appliances, all at the touch of a smartphone, tablet or computer. This new smart home technology not only gives you full control but also added security. The Lightwave RF system provides a program function so that your home can turn on lights and heating just before you arrive home, which is great during the cold dark nights of the winter months when you do not want to enter a dark house. You can program lights to turn on in the morning to save you getting out of bed to turn them on, you can also use the system from anywhere in the world just as long as you have an internet connection. This gives better security than a traditional timer for a lamp as the times can be varied from day to day, giving a more genuine impression of the house being occupied. The Lightwave RF system is easy to install utilising existing wiring and is extremely cost effective, with remote controls available for added versatility. The system is designed to enable you to install the system in sections, room by room or individual lights and sockets, all of which are available from Ledstop at competitive prices. Many thanks for visiting. Just before we carry on I need to to give thanks to http://www.lottodog.co.uk/ for their continued assistance and the support of their regional community. Having a help and support team like this means a lot to us as we continue to grow our community blog.
Do you have any money saving tips for around the home or other ideas to make your house work for you? We would love to hear them in the comments below.
This article was provided by Green Tank Blog.