Paper, not Plastic!

I went grocery shopping the other day with my sister. We didn’t have a big list, just the essentials like coffee, milk, sugar, butter and bread. That sort of a list. But you know how it is when you have the best of intentions of doing just a ‘small’ shop at the supermarket? It more than often ends up being a £12 excursion. And so it proved on this occasion.

When you have a list you should stick to it. Didn’t you just spend 15 minutes at home with a notebook and pen writing down exactly what you needed? I mean if you’re going to ignore planning then you may as well go out and a buy a new car to add to the coffee and the sugar! By the time we got to the checkout I was muttering under my breath at the number of items in the basket. I asked my sister did she remember to bring the shopping bag? No. Great! They charge about 20p these days for a plastic one. You would think that the advertising (look at the picture they provided about this record)  that surrounded the making of the biggest paper shopping bag ever in Bristol last year would be enough motivation for supermarkets and shops to STOP selling you plastic ones!

World's Largest Paper Bag

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Product Reviews

Paper, not Plastic!

I went grocery shopping the other day with my sister. We didn’t have a big list, just the essentials like coffee, milk, sugar, butter and …