The summer months will soon be upon us and those who own a swimming pool will know that one of the most important aspects is keeping the water clean and hygienic.
There are a number of different ways to keep the water sparkling clean and to ensure the bugs stay away. Some products clean the water and others are designed to stop bacteria forming. It’s also important to remember that the chemistry between the two has to be correct to keep the water safe for those who are enjoying splashing around and having fun whilst keeping cool.
Chlorine is one of the most important chemicals to be used in a pool as it acts as a disinfectant in the water. It sanitises the environment by destroying the living organisms and the bacteria which could be living in the water. Chlorine levels have to be monitored on a regular basis whilst the pool is in use as they are an integral part in its chemistry.
As an alternative, some owners use bromine instead of chlorine. This chemical is also an excellent disinfectant and can be used in any kind of swimming pool. It is often the first choice for sanitising water in spa pools because it is more stable in high temperatures.
Whilst chlorine does a great job in keeping the bacteria away, it is unable to neutralise the ammonia which will be present in water and when the two chemicals join together they form a mix called chloramine. This compound reduces the effectiveness of the chlorine and leads to bacteria and algae growing. When this happens it is necessary to use a product called a shock treatment. It is added to the water and quickly increases the level of the chlorine to a much higher concentration which in turn kills the bacteria. Whilst this treatment is carried out, bathers should refrain from using the pool until tests show that the chlorine levels have returned to normal.
All liquids have a pH level; how alkaline or acidic they are. Water in a pool must ideally have a pH level of 7.4-7.6 which is very slightly on the alkaline side of neutral. To ensure this happens, a product called pH balancer is used and it can be purchased to either raise or decrease the pH level as needed. An alkalinity balancer will also help to keep the levels of alkaline stable; these products often use a mix of sodium bicarbonate as its base.
Different parts of the UK have differing levels of water hardness and in a swimming pool this is an element to monitor and treat if necessary. Calcium chloride is used where there is a need to increase the hardness level, but care must be taken to not overuse as this would mean the pool would need draining and refilling.
If buying a pool for the first time and unsure what might be needed, help will be on hand from those with experience. If purchasing swimming pool supplies from, they will ensure that they assist you with your choices as they have many years of technical expertise. You’ll know that you then have everything you need to keep the water clean; you can fill the pool and invite the neighbours around for the first party of the summer.
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