Well, it’s happening! The house we currently live in has been pretty good up-to-date. But the longer you stay in one place, the more the little things start to annoy you. You wonder how the person who designed and built the place came to do certain things. Why is that switch there? How come there are only two power outlets in the kitchen? Why does that door open inwards rather than outwards? Wouldn’t it be nice if the window frames were made from aluminium rather than timber? While not all of these things are annoying, they are certainly on my bucket list for home improvements.
Once you’ve made the decision to carry out a bit of DIY then the next step is to check out your apps, search the Internet and have some meaningful discussions over a glass of wine and a plate of cheese and biscuits with your friends. Funnily enough, there isn’t anybody I know that hasn’t at some stage done some DIY in their own home. When you’re making plans of your own, it’s comforting to know that you are surrounded by friends and their experience. When checking out the apps on your phone, you are quickly convinced that there was a brilliant iOS developer who provided you with an icon that was going to help you with some home construction.
Undoubtedly, there would be hundreds of apps on people’s phones that were created by people who did the job and saw a need. Taking your idea to a developer who can provide you with more info to help you build and market your app is also a good move. In the meantime, I had the availability of apps like Wikihow that has a range of DIY projects from reupholstering a chair to building a rocket that will take you to the moon. The iFixit app was also very helpful when it came to relocating a power outlet. It was while I was repositioning the door that I started to seriously think about developing my own app. I downloaded a fantastic app onto my phone called Brightnest, aptly named, as it certainly had a lot of ideas in there that did exactly that, made our nest bright.
While many of the apps are very handy, they didn’t always accurately provide the correct detail for our personal situation. Not every door has the same hinge, not every window is the same size, and not every bathroom has the same plumbing problem. Generally speaking, though, the whole idea of DIY would have been tough without at least some sort of app to guide you. If you’re inclined to pursue the idea of developing your own app, I suggest you look here. If you can find somebody within an app development company that is in tune with your ideas, then it’s certain that between you and them you will more than likely create a very useful and profitable app.